Italy-24px UnitedKingsom-24px

Cage Music Dance ‘Event’

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The score was interpreted by a largely self?taught singer, Demetrio Stratos, who was born in Alexandria, Egypt, in 1945. Mr. Stratos possesses an extraordinary voice that can do just about anything. He can swoop from one register to another, following high, pure tones with subterranean rumblings. He can warble and roar, imitate chimes and sirens and trill for what seems minutes on end. His is a voice capable of infinite changes.


"(Demetrio Stratos) possiede una voce straordinaria, capace di fare praticamente qualunque cosa. Sa glissare da un registro all'altro, passando da toni acuti e puri a brontolii cavernosi. Sa gorgheggiare e ruggire, imitare scampanellii e sirene ed eseguire trilli che sembrano durare in eterno. Ha una voce capace di variazioni infinite".